Desired start date : 01/07/2024
Mission duration: 12 months
Location: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
SOLIDARITY INTERNATIONAL (SI)is an association of’ international humanitarian aid which, for more than 40 years, has been helping people who are victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters by responding to the vital needs, drinking, eating, sheltering. Particularly engaged in the fight against diseases related to unhealthy’, the leading cause of death in the world, SI implements through its interventions an expertise in the field of’access to drinking’water,’sanitation and the promotion of hygiene but also in that, essential, food security and means of’. Present in more than 20 countries, the SI teams, 3000 people in total, composed of’expatriates, national staffs, permanent staff at headquarters, some volunteers…intervene with professionalism and commitment in respect of cultures.
Solidarity International opened at the end of 2018 to meet the urgent needs of people displaced by the security crisis initially affecting the Sahel and Central North regions of Burkina Faso. In 2024 the humanitarian footprint of Solidarity International expanded with operations in the North Central, North, Sahel and the Mouhoun Loop.
In 2024, the country office is composed of’a coordination in Ouagadougou, of 2 land bases, a, a Far North base in Ouahigouya-North region that covers a sub-base at Kongoussi in the North-Central, and interventions also in the Mouhoun Loop; as well as’ a Sahel base in Dori that covers the Djibo and Sebba sub-bases.
SI has diversified its portfolio of’interventions to address both the vital needs in EHA, and, shelter and food of populations recently displaced by conflict (mechanism RRM and other’ emergency interventions) and the’ impact of conflict on’acc� �s to EHA public services and’s, livelihoods, also integrating institution-building and social cohesion issues.
Most projects are implemented in consortium with ONGI and on some projects with local partners
SI is part of several consortia such as: RRM-Frontline (with ACF as lead), NEX’EAU (consortium with GRET & URD -SI as lead), and, Multisectoral response Health Nut EHA SAME integrated in the Yagha (PUI lead of the consortium) .
The/the Country Director is the/the official representative of Solidarity International. He/she :
- Is responsible for the proper functioning of the mission.
- Proposes, according to the geopolitical and humanitarian context, the mission strategy and ensures its implementation once validated.
- Controls and guarantees that projects are carried out in accordance with the charter of Solidarity International and in compliance with internal and contractual procedures.
- Mobilizes the material and financial resources necessary for the proper conduct of the programs and supervises their management.
- Coordinates the teams in place and is the guarantor of their safety on the mission.
He/she is the direct and privileged’interlocutor of the headquarters of Solidarity International.
Main activities :
- Coordination and strategic direction
- Relevance and operational quality /monitoring of operations
- Resource management
- Management of Human Resources
- Security
- Donor relations / seeking funding
- Internal and external communication
- Representation
- Strongly degraded political and social context (2 military’ coups in 2022)
- Narrowing of humanitarian space
- Drastic deterioration of the security context
- Dynamic context that continuously disrupts the implementation of projects, the need for constant’adaptation
- Massive displacement crisis with + of 2M of internally displaced
Implementation monitoring issues in the context of access constraints and frequent programmatic adaptations; Internal coordination and steering issues requiring commitment and high availability; and; external representation and advocacy issues to maintain the strong positioning of IS in the humanitarian environment
Master Level
- 5 Years or more in the humanitarian sector
- 3-4 years on an equivalent position
- Proven experience of managing humanitarian operations in contexts with high security volatility and high’access challenges
- Good understanding of the sectors and modalities of’international Solidarity intervention in Burkina Faso (EHA, SAME, Shelters, Cash, RRM /nexus approaches, community participation
- Experience in strengthening procedures and process accountability and PSEA
- Excellent management capabilities
- Strategic vision, capacity of’analysis of the context and’agenda of the different actors
- Excellent performance skills, including clarity, precision and ease in the’ oral and written expression
- French
- English
An employee position : According to experience, from EUR 3740 gross per month (3400 base salary + 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly) and a Per Diem monthly of EUR 550
Housing pack : from 302 500 to 610 000 FCFA
Family pack :
- The flight for the spouse and dependents at the beginning and end of the mission, as well as’an A/R flight to the place of contractual residence for the break 6 months
- Cargo support up to 100kg of luggage
- Visa fees & residence permits for spouse and children. It remains the responsibility of the’expatriate to check the dates of’ expiration of these visas and residence permit.
- A complete perdiem for the spouse, only S’il or she does not’a paid activity and a half-perdiem per child under 18 years/A complete perdiem per out-of-school child. (It is your responsibility to keep SI informed of any personal changes of your spouse affecting the payment of this perdiem, and not doing so will be considered a fault)
- A participation in the tuition fees in an international school (on reference of the rates of’a French school) up to 80%, for the children present on the mission, aged over 3 years and up’ to the terminal or equivalent.
- L’assurance covers the spouse and children. This insurance includes’health insurance, civil liability, provident insurance and’repatriation insurance.
SI also covers accommodation and travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the place of employment.
Breaks : During the mission, a system of alternation between work and leave is set up at the rate of 7 working days every three months (with USD 850 allocated by Solidarity International). In addition to these break periods, there is one additional day of rest per month worked.
Social and medical coverage : Expatriates receive insurance that reimburses all health costs (including medical and surgical expenses, dental and ophthalmological care, etc, repatriation) and a contingency system including war risks. Vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are reimbursed.
The city of Ouagadougou is the capital of Burkina Faso and the largest city in the country. Ouagadougou still benefits from leisure opportunities (restaurants, sports and cultural activities) despite increased security vigilance.
Security rules exist on the mission, with some areas prohibited. The political and social situation being very tense since the 2 blows of’State of 2022, additional restrictions or specific periods of confinement can be envisaged.
Security context in continuous deterioration with issues of secure management and strong access requiring availability and significant reactivity. Ground movements limited by security constraints.
Do you recognize yourself in this description ?
If yes, send us your CV and Motivation Letter.
Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.
SI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ad. Thank you for your understanding.
And to get to know Solidarity International better : www.solidarites.org
Solidarity International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of’abus – any act of’ exploitation,’abus and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, not declared, etc, financing of’activities infringing human rights – which could be carried out as part of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to’ with respect to any type of’abus, particularly acts of SEAH.
Solidarity International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any compensation in order to participate in a recruitment process.