Job Identification : 10092
Locations : Santiago, Chile
Posting Date : 04/20/2023, 04:05 AM
Apply Before : 04/28/2023, 03:59 AM
Job Schedule : Full time
Agency : UNDP
Grade : NPSA-6
Vacancy Type : National Personnel Service Agreement
Practice Area : Inclusive Growth
Bureau : Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
Contract Duration : 8 months
Education & Work Experience : Bachelor’s Degree – 3 year(s) experience OR High School certificate- 6 year(s) experience
Required Languages : Español fluido (excelente expresión oral y escrita)
Vacancy Timeline
1 Week
Job Description
1. Background
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP: we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘ leave no one behind ’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
2. Project Description
National evidence and international projections foresee an increase in absenteeism, interruption of trajectories and educational disassociation as a result of the pandemic. The Educational Reactivation Plan has among its objectives to guarantee the educational continuity of girls, boys, adolescents, young people and adults, implementing a system of accompaniment for students, that allows to give continuity of their educational trajectories.
According to international evidence and learning of program implementation at the national level, in the current context, addressing this area requires considering a set of actions that include the identification and monitoring of those who are in a situation of potential disengagement, together with interventions of a remedial and timely nature of learning, as well as socio-emotional containment and learning. It is required to place each student in the center, to build protection systems and guarantee of trajectories that allow flexibility, mobility, continuity and diversification of possible paths.
As a state policy, it seeks to guarantee the educational trajectory of each and every student through the generation of policies, resources, management instruments and others, that support and strengthen the action of educational communities, management teams, psychosocial duples, who are the ones who implement, both pedagogically and psychosocially, actions to support and support students.
Within this system, the formation of territorial teams for the re-inculation and educational assistance whose purpose is to promote the attendance, permanence and re-incrimination of children at school is considered, girls and adolescents with high absenteeism or interrupted educational trajectories, from a territorial and intersectoral coordination strategy. These teams are deployed at different administrative levels:
- At the community level, they operate in the municipalities that are in charge of the administration of education in their communes; are teams of professionals and community managers who work directly with public and private services or organizations at the community level, therefore they are linked both with the establishments of each commune ( including municipal, subsidized individuals and delegated administration ) and carry out the task of directly contacting students and families, to favor permanence or return to the educational system.
- In the Local Public Education Services ( SLEP ), they are teams of professionals and community managers, that work from the SLEPs that are already fully operational and from there articulate work at the communal and territorial levels. They have the same functions as community teams.
- In the Provincial Departments of Education ( Deprov ): they are professional teams that have as a priority role to articulate the SLEP and community teams in their territory, together with establishing a link with the technical teams of the Deprov (, especially supervisors and managers of the SAE School Admission System ). They also have the function of advising and supporting private subsidized establishments in their territory.
The tasks of these teams are organized around 3 axes of work:
- Linking and supporting the educational communities and school teams that have been organized for the development of these tasks.
- Articulation with the intersector, both municipal units and other State agencies present in the territory and that have a field of action that impacts in this area, and build a relationship with community organizations and societal organizations.
- Design and implement strategies to contact, locate and revinculate students who have interrupted their educational trajectory and accompany those with low attendance. These strategies and actions will be aimed at both the educational communities and the territory.
3. Scope of work
The general objective of this position is to coordinate, support, guide, systematize and evaluate the implementation of the strategy of revinculation and assistance in educational systems of the territory, carried out by the provincial teams of re-inculation and assistance, in articulation with teams from municipalities and SLEP.
Among the functions and expected results are:
- Articulate and technically support the provincial teams in the development of the territorial intervention of re-inculation and assistance with the provincial teams.
- Support the provincial teams in the work of articulation with representatives of the intersectoral, supporters and educational establishments of the territory.
- Design the strategy and instruments for monitoring and monitoring the provincial teams.
- Monitor and analyze the implementation of the re-inculation and assistance strategies in the different territories.
- Prepare reports and reports for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the re-inculation and assistance strategies requested by the regional and national levels of MINEDUC.
- Participate and work in internal coordination, articulating with teams from the national, regional and provincial levels of MiINEDUC, and other relevant actors within the framework of the strategy.
- Implement administrative – technical monitoring and monitoring of the work plans of the provincial teams.
4. Institutional agreement
The ( the ) contracted ( a ) will serve in UNDP offices. The position will be under the supervision of the head of the General Education Division or the person who delegates it. Administratively, the respective Coordinator ( a ) of the UNDP Country Office Project will assist a role in supervising project performance. As for the position, It will be up to him to protect the coordination between those who work in supporting the territorial articulation for the re-inculation and assistance, distributed in 33 provincial departments.
5. Competences
Essential Competences
Achieve Results – LEVEL 2: Expand solutions and simplify processes, balance speed and precision when doing work.
Think Innovatively – LEVEL 2: Offers new ideas / opens up to new approaches, demonstrates systemic / integrated thinking.
Aprender Continuamente – NIVEL 2: Sale de la zona de confort, aprende de otros y apoya sus aprendizajes.
Adaptarse con Agilidad – NIVEL 2: Adapta procesos y aproximaciones a nuevas situaciones, involucre a otros en el proceso de cambio.
Actuar con Determinación NIVEL 2: Capaz de perseverar y lidiar simultáneamente con múltiples fuentes de presión.
Participar y Asociarse – NIVEL 2: Es facilitador(a)/integrador(a), une a las personas, crea/mantiene coaliciones/asociaciones.
Facilitar la Diversidad y la Inclusión – NIVEL 2: Facilita conversaciones para conciliar diferencias, considera en la toma de decisiones.
Gestión de Personas
Las competencias en Gestión de Personas de PNUD pueden encontrarse en el sitio dedicado site.
Competencias Funcionales y Técnicas
Gestión de negocios – Comunicación
- Capacidad para comunicar de manera clara, concisa, sin ambigüedades, tanto de manera verbal como escrita; adaptar mensajes y elegir métodos de comunicación según audiencia. Habilidad de gestionar Comunicaciones interna y externamente, a través de redes sociales, medios, y otros canales apropiados.
Gestión de negocios – Monitoreo
- Habilidad para proveer retroalimentación regular a los gerentes, actores claves y partes interesadas, sobre la consistencia o diferencias entre lo planificado y las actividades actuales, y entre el desempeño programado y los resultados.
Gestión de negocios – Satisfacción / Gestión de Clientes
- Ability to respond promptly and appropriately with a sense of urgency, providing consistent solutions, on-time execution, quality results, and / or solutions that meet and understand the actual needs of the customer / user/beneficiary. Find ways to add value to the customer’s immediate requirements. Ability to anticipate customer needs.
Network and alliance management – Relationship management
- Ability to engage a wide range of public and private actors; build, maintain and / or strengthen work relationships, trust and mutual understanding.
External relations and promotion – Planning and execution of events
- Habilidad para planificar, gestionar y ejecutar eventos para asegurar el apoyo y amplificación de las comunicaciones y la promoción de iniciativas, así como el nombre de PNUD y su mandato.
6. Calificaciones mínimas de un NPSA
Educación académica mínima requerida
- Educación secundaria completa.
- Grado de licenciado o titulado(a) en ámbitos de la docencia, educación de párvulos, educación comunitaria o en áreas de las ciencias sociales, tales como trabajo social, psicología, sociología o antropología.
Será considerada una ventaja contar con título profesional universitario en las áreas mencionadas. Asimismo, también constituirá una ventaja contar con postgrado en alguna de las áreas mencionadas.
Años mínimos de Experiencia laboral relevante
- Personas con grado de licenciado(a) y/o título profesional universitario, requieren un mínimo de 3 año de experiencia relevante afín.
- Personas con formación académica menor (Secundaria o Técnica completa), requieren un mínimo de 6 años de experiencia relevante.
- Se entenderá por experiencia relevante, la experiencia laboral relativa a:
- Experiencia en el diseño, implementación, seguimiento o evaluación de iniciativas o programas en el sistema educativo.
- Experiencia previa en trabajo comunitario, local, territorial, idealmente en ámbitos de la educación.
- Experiencia laboral, directa o indirecta, en o con organismos del Estado o municipales.
- Experiencia supervisando equipos.
En su postulación refiérase a los años, instituciones, proyectos y/o experiencias, conforme a la experiencia requerida. Años de experiencia por sobre el mínimo relevante señalado, tendrán una mejor evaluación.
Para licenciados(as) o titulado(as) profesionales, será considerada una ventaja contar con un mínimo de 7 años de experiencia laboral relevante.
Habilidades y competencias requeridas
- Dominio en el uso y manejo correo electrónico.
- Manejo de herramientas informáticas Office.
- Usuario avanzado en Zoom y similares y Nubes de almacenamiento.
Habilidades y competencias deseables
Habilidades y competencias técnicas deseables:
- Capacidad de vinculación intersectorial con organizaciones sociales y comunitarias del territorio.
- Ideal contar con un mínimo de 3 años de experiencia en liderazgo y conducción de equipos.
- Conocimiento y comprensión de las estructuras y procesos principales del sistema educativo.
- Planificación y liderazgo de equipos en torno a los procesos de revinculación y fomento a la asistencia en el territorio.
- Capacidad de análisis de información cuantitativa provista por distintos organismos.
- Elaboración de informes, documentos y reportes a distintos actores territoriales y del sistema educativo.
Otras habilidades, conocimientos y competencias de interés:
- Demostrar interés en el trabajo de las Naciones Unidas y del PNUD en particular, así como también compromiso con los valores, misión y visión de la organización.
- Capacidad para establecer diálogo y articulación con distinto tipo de actorías sociales y comunitarias.
- Trabajar colaborativamente en equipo.
- Organizado/a y proactivo/a.
- Adaptación al entorno.
- Integridad: compromiso cotidiano y respetuoso de las normas y acuerdos con el equipo de trabajo, un actuar ético y honrado con los distintos equipos.
Idiomas requeridos (a nivel laboral)
Español fluido (excelente expresión oral y escrita).
Certificados profesionales
Se podrá solicitar a los/as postulantes acreditar mediante certificados u otros documentos similares, su experiencia laboral en el manejo de las herramientas señaladas.
7. Viajes:
Se prevén viajes nacionales para este puesto. Además, se requiere disponibilidad para trabajo en terreno y eventualmente fuera de horario regular de trabajo.
Consideraciones en su postulación:
- Complete el formulario en línea.
- Adjunte también CV en formato libre.
- Incluya una carta de presentación (máximo una página) indicando por qué se considera idónea(o) para la posición.
- Identifique al menos tres referencias laborales de supervisores(as) anteriores. Las referencias pueden incluir también a los colegas.
Important applicant information
All posts in the NPSA categories are subject to local recruitment.
Applicant information about UNDP rosters
Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience, and educational requirements.
Workforce diversity
UNDP is committed to achieving diversity within its workforce, and encourages all qualified applicants, irrespective of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual orientation, culture, religious and ethnic backgrounds to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.
UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.
UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.
Scam warning
The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a request for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.