ARISE Project Manager At Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia has applied for financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Access and Renewable Increase for Sustainable Energy and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include both (i) the preparation and implementation of the ARISE project and (ii) the closure of SEDAP. The Project Manager will be based in FSM and lead the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for World Bank energy projects within the Department of Resources and Development (DoR&D). The PIU will consist of a Project Manager, project implementation officer, a procurement officer, a project engineer, and an environmental & social development officer. At the Department of Finance and Administration (DoFA), the Central Implementation Unit (CIU) provides financial management, procurement, environmental & social safeguards, M&E and Communication support to all World Bank-financed projects. The PIU will benefit from CIU support. The Project Manager is expected to lead the PIU and work closely with the Pohnpei Utility Corporation (PUC), the Chuuk Public Utility Corporation (CPUC), the Kosrae Utilities Authority (KUA), and the Yap State Public Service Corporation (YSPSC) to prepare and implement ARISE. Starting from July 2025, the Project Manager will also lead the implementation of the SEDAP project, which will be in his completion phase. The Project Manager will report to the Assistant Secretary of the Energy Division and to a Project Steering Committee.



The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is an archipelagic nation in the Western Pacific Ocean, with a relatively small land area of just over 700 km2 spread over 607 islands, of which 74 are inhabited. The Federation consists of four semi-autonomous states: Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei and Kosrae. The population of the FSM is estimated to be approximately 105,000, with 45% living in Chuuk, 37% in Pohnpei, 11% in Yap and 7% in Kosrae. Each of the four states consists of a main island surrounded by numerous outer islands, except for Kosrae, which has no outer islands. The outer atolls tend to be much less developed, creating challenges for building resilience, as they are not served by the nation’s main water and energy systems, nor are they frequently served by national transportation systems.

The FSM’s Department of Resources and Development (DoR&D) is assisting the states in developing their economies by focusing on the four priority sectors: energy, fisheries, agriculture, and tourism.Within the DoR&D, the Energy Division of the DoR&D (ED/DoR&D) oversees the energy sector and has been leading the implementation of the World Bank-financed Sustainable Energy Development and Access Project (SEDAP – US$30 million financing), which became effective on April 08, 2019, with a current closing date of September 30, 2025. In addition to SEDAP, the ED/DoR&D, with support from the Department of Finance and Administration (DoFA)’s Central Implementation Unit (CIU) is currently preparing a second energy project entitled—Access and Renewable Increase for Sustainable Energy (ARISE) project for World Bank financing. ARISE is expected to be approved by the World Bank in late 2024 or the first quarter of 2025.

The ARISE project development objective is to increase access to electricity, improve the reliability of electricity service, and increase renewable energy generation in targeted project areas. The project comprises three components. The component 1 (Electricity Service Expansion)will (i) increase the electricity access rate in Chuuk; (ii) improve the reliability and safety of power supply while enhancing resilience to climate & natural hazards and reducing technical losses in Pohnpei, Yap and Kosrae; and (iii) facilitate preventive grid maintenance for the four power utilities. The component 2 (Renewable Energy Generation) will increase solar energy generation with storage and grid stability controls in Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Yap to reduce diesel generation costs and help achieve GHG emission reduction targets. The Component 3 (Institutional Strengthening and Implementation Support)aims to strengthen the capacity of key energy sector entities such as DoR&D, state power utilities, and the project implementation unity (PIU). Overall, the proposed project will fund construction of mini grids, rehabilitation (including resilience enhancement) of distribution networks, integration of solar PV systems, technical assistance, and capacity strengthening. The Annex 1 provides a detailed of the first two components.

The ED/DoR&D seeks a Project Manager for both (i) the preparation and implementation of the ARISE project (P181253) and (ii) the implementation of the SEDAP starting from July 2025. The Project Manager will be based in FSM and lead the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for World Bank energy projects within the ED/DoR&D. The PIU is expected to comprise a project implementation officer, a procurement officer, a project engineer, and an environmental and social development officer. As the DoFA’s CIU provides financial management, procurement, and environmental & social safeguards support to all World Bank-financed projects, the PIU will also benefit for such support from the CIU. The Project Manager is expected to lead the PIU and work closely with the Pohnpei Utility Corporation (PUC), the Chuuk Public Utility Corporation (CPUC), the Kosrae Utilities Authority (KUA), and the Yap State Public Service Corporation (YSPSC) to prepare and implement ARISE. Starting from July 2025, the Project Manager will also lead the implementation of the SEDAP project, which will be in his completion phase. The Project Manager will report to the Assistant Secretary of the Energy Division and to a Project Steering Committee.


The Project Manager’s duties and responsibilities include the following:


  • Prepare and submit timely the annual work program and budget in close collaboration with CIU financial management staff
  • Ensure prompt updates of the procurement plan, and with support from the Procurement Officer, prepare timelines/schedules/plans to implement the procurement activities without delays.
  • Prepare, implement, and monitor work plans to implement each activity under the project components and subcomponents.
  • Prepare work plans for the PIU staff (Procurement Officer, Environmental and Social Development Officer, Project Implementation Officer, etc)
  • Prepare disbursement estimates/plans for every quarter and manage its achievement
  • Manage the project budget and finances in collaboration with the CIU. This involves ensuring adequate asset registry.
  • Assist the Energy Division in related tasks as needed

Implementation and Monitoring

  • Monitor progress of all project activities (with support from the Project Implementation Officer) and prepare monthly project progress reports for both DoR&D and the World Bank team.
  • Participate and Oversee the procurement to ensure timely processing. This will involve evaluating bidding documents, drafting/reviewing bid evaluation reports, negotiating contracts, drafting/reviewing contracts, and ensuring timely contract effectiveness. As the procurement is done via the World Bank’s online STEP platform, a training will be provided on STEP, and the PM is expected to understand and be able to use STEP for procurement.
  • Oversee the implementation of contracts for design, supply, installation, and works with support from engineering firms, utility staff, and CIU’s environmental and social development specialists (in compliance with the Environmental and Social Management Plan). Propose action plans and oversee the implementation of the action plans.
  • Oversee the implementation of consultancy services and non-consultancy activities
  • Monitor with DoFA, Treasury, Department of Justice to ensure that contracts and amendments are timely validated and that payments are timely processed.
  • Implement the project in accordance with the Project Operations Manual. Update as appropriate the Project Operations Manual.
  • Supervise the work of staff recruited under the project implementation unit and ensure effective team work. Ensure that proper training is provided to each staff and support staff as needed to enhance performance.
  • Solve/address problems/issues promptly with contractors, engineering firms, suppliers, individual consultants and staff.
  • Ensure timely payment of invoices in collaboration with the CIU
  • Monitor progress on the disbursement estimates/plans and take promptly corrective measures to achieve the disbursement estimates/plans.
  • Ensure that contract registry and asset registry are kept updated.


  • Provide briefs to the Assistant Secretary (bi-weekly) and to the Secretary of DoRD upon request or as needed
  • Draft monthly project progress reports and mandatory semestrial implementation reports to be sent to the World Bank. The monthly project progress reports will provide (i) the previous and current status of all activities (organized by subcomponent and component), (ii) outstanding issues, (iii) next actions/milestones and timelines. The monthly progress report will also cover the procurement, disbursement, financial management, and environmental and social aspects. The mandatory semestrial implementation report
  • Prepare presentations and/or briefs/updates for the Project Steering Committee prior to meetings and to the World Bank task team prior to supervision missions.
  • Ensure the preparation of the project implementation completion report prior to the project closing date.

Communication and Outreach

  • Ensure effective communication and working relationships with the Secretaries of both the DoDR and DoFA, the Energy Division, the CIU, and utility managers/engineering units
  • Collaborate well with the CIU staff on budgeting, disbursement, financial management, environmental & social, monitoring, and communication to ensure effective project implementation.
  • Reach out and maintain good relationships with DoFA and the Department of Justice to ensure that contracts are promptly validated and signed and payments are promptly processed in order to avoid delays.
  • In collaboration with the CIU’s communication, safeguards, and monitoring staff, communicate adequately with project affected communities, relevant citizen organizations/NGOs, and interested Government agencies to ensure successful implementation

This is a full-time assignment that will initially be for a period of one year, based in Pohnpei, FSM. Domestic travels will be required. Based on satisfactory performance and mutual agreement between the DoRD and the PM, the position may be extended for additional years till the implementation of the project is complete. DoRD will provide office space, office supplies and equipment.


All CVs of candidates will be scrutinized against the mandatory requirements. The CVs of candidates that meet the mandatory requirements will then be evaluated according to the desired skills.


  • Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical/Industrial engineering, or in Energy, or any other relevant engineering field.
  • At least 10 years of Project Management experience, out of which 5 years as a Project Manager on an energy project(s) acquired either within a project management unit, or an engineering firm, or a construction firm, or a power utility.
  • Demonstrated experience or knowledge on either solar PV systems, power generation, distribution network
  • Experience managing donor-funded projects.
  • Good interpersonal and communication (report writing and English speaking) skills.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment
  • Demonstrated experience in managing energy projects within a consultant firm or an energy construction company in the power sector
  • Experience managing a World Bank-funded project
  • Experience in working in an island nation environment.
  • Willingness to reside in FSM for at least 09 months in a year.


Selection Criteria

Interested applicants are required to clearly highlight how they meet the following selection criteria in both their CVs and cover letters. To facilitate the evaluation of candidates, the length of the CV should NOT exceed 3 pages and the length of the cover letter should NOT exceed 2 pages. The evaluation committee reserves the right to not consider candidates whose CV and cover letter exceed this length requirement. The following selection criteria will be applied:

  • Has managed a project financed by the Word Bank or the Asian Development Bank, or any other multilateral or bilateral development agency (yes / no)
  • Has managed a project in the energy sector (yes / no)
  • Has experience working within either a consultant firm, or an energy/power construction company, or a project implementation agency/office, or a power utility.
  • Number of years of experience in at least one of the following areas: (i) power generation, (ii) transmission or distribution grids, (iii) mini grids, (iv) solar PV systems,
  • Number of years of relevant experience on procurement of goods and/or works
  • Number of years of relevant experience in preparing work plans, overseeing work, and drafting reports
  • Has demonstrated experience working across units or departments and with various stakeholders (yes / no)
  • Has worked in a multicultural team/environment (yes / no)
  • Is proficient with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Powerpoint (yes/no)

The mandatory/desired skills and experiences and selection criteria will be used to make a short list of candidates for interviews. As part of the short listing, candidates might be contacted to better understand their experience or the content of their CVs. The short listed candidates will be invited to an interview. The candidate identified by the interview panel as the most suitable will be invited to negotiate the contract. Referees of the selected candidate may be contacted to verify prior experience, performance, and character traits.

Annex 1: Description of ARISE Project’s two Components

Component 1: Electricity Service Expansion will (i) increase the electricity access rate in Chuuk; (ii) improve the reliability and safety of power supply while enhancing resilience to climate & natural hazards and reducing technical losses in Pohnpei, Yap and Kosrae; and (iii) facilitate preventive grid maintenance for the four power utilities. The Component comprises the following four subcomponents:

  • Sub-Component 1.1 – Chuuk Islands Electrification – will fund detailed studies, designs, supply, construction, supervision, and commissioning of mini grids in selected five to seven unelectrified islands of Chuuk. Based on selection criteria such as number of households, density of settlements, logistic costs, environmental & social aspects (ease of lease obtention), ease of operation & maintenance consideration, and synergy with other development partners, seven islands have been preselected. Further assessment and consultation will be conducted to select five islands. In each island, depending on the settlement patterns, solar-powered mini grids will be constructed. Each mini grid will comprise solar PV generation, distribution networks, service drops, and prepaid meters to provide electricity service to households, health centers, government & community facilities, and businesses. To facilitate the construction and operation of mini grids, bucket trucks and machinery will be provided.
  • Sub-Component 1.2 – Pohnpei Grid Rehabilitation – will fund the rehabilitation of the distribution grid in Pohnpei main island and facilitate its operation and preventive maintenance. The grid rehabilitation will involve (i) replacing dilapidated primary wooden poles with associated corroded accessories by concrete poles, (ii) replacing wooden cross arms and insulators (enhance safety and reliability during high winds); (iii) upgrading segments of distribution lines including converting some distribution loops from single phase to three phases configuration; and (iv) providing limited critical spare parts (transformers, cross arms, wires, insulators). To facilitate operation of the grid while reducing power outages, the subcomponent will enhance automation by installing SCADA monitoring, replacing air switches by automated remote-controlled switches, and installing automatic fault-detecting reclosers. To enable adequate preventive maintenance and accelerate power restoration after natural and climate hazards facilitate, the subcomponent will provide PUC with three bucket trucks and vegetation management tools.
  • Sub-component 1.3 – Yap Grid Resilience – will construct underground distribution loops/links from feeders to critical facilities—such as the Airport, hospital, water plant facilities, radio station, selected Government buildings and the commercial center—to ensure redundant and more reliable power supply in Yap main island. The distribution links will include elevated (above ground) pad-mounted transformers, switchgears, and remote-controlled switching and reclosing equipment with fiber optic communication cables. Yap has been the most hit state by category 3 and above typhoons, and many unplanned power interruptions (about 70 percent in 2019) have been due to the aerial grid vulnerability to strong winds and heavy rains. To address this important challenge, the proposed interventions will strengthen the grid resilience to climate change induced hazards and improve power reliability. A bucket truck and vegetation management equipment and tools will also be provided.
  • Sub-component 1.4 – Kosrae Grid Rehabilitation – will rehabilitate segments of the distribution network and facilitate preventive maintenance in Kosrae main island. The network rehabilitation will involve the replacement of dilapidated wooden poles, replacement of cross arms and insulators, upgrade of line segments, and replacement/strengthening of protection systems. Like other utilities, the subcomponent will provide KUA with a tree pruning truck and vegetation management equipment and tools to reduce power outages after strong winds or storms.

Component 2: Renewable Energy Generation will increase solar energy generation with storage and grid stability controls in Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Yap to reduce diesel generation costs and help achieve GHG emission reduction targets. The component comprises three sub-components:

  • Subcomponent 2.1 – Pohnpei Solar Energy Generation – will fund detailed studies, designs, supply, installation, commissioning, and supervision of about 2 MW of grid-connected solar PV systems (including solar PV modules, Battery Energy Storage System [BESS], inverters, transformers, control systems,) in the Pohnpei island grid. The solar PV systems is envisioned to be installed at the Pohnlangas solar facility, where there is available land. From the facility, the distribution grid will be assessed and strengthened to ensure adequate power transfer capacity and grid stability.
  • Subcomponent 2.2 – Chuuk Solar Energy Generation – will fund detailed designs, supply, installation, commissioning, and supervision of about 1.5 MW of grid-connected solar PV systems (including solar PV modules, BESS, inverters, transformers, control systems, necessary roof strengthening or structure erection, and any other ancillary equipment) in the Chuuk’s Weno grid and ensure grid stability. About 1 MW (out of the 1.5 MW) of the total capacity will be installed at the remaining available land at the Weno solar PV facility, whose concept design was carried out and is being constructed under the SEDAP project. The remaining 0.5 MW is expected to be installed on rooftops of selected schools (including the Xavier High School) in Weno. The installation will comply with hurricane/storm resilient standards and practices (e.g.: strengthened bolting, vibration resistant materials)
  • Subcomponent 2.3 – Yap Solar Energy Generation – will fund detailed studies, designs, supply, installation, commissioning, and supervision of about 1 MW of grid-connected solar PV systems (including solar PV modules, BESS, inverters, transformers, control systems, necessary roof strengthening or structure erection, and any other ancillary equipment) in Yap main island. It is envisioned that the solar PV modules will be installed at rooftops of selected public government buildings and feeders will be upgraded to ensure adequate power transfer.

How to apply

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by Monday, September 16, 2024 at 5:00 P.M Pohnpei Time (GMT + 11).

Rose N. Nakanaga, Secretary
Department of Finance and Administration

Attn: Kwame Shiroya, CIU Program Manager

P.O. Box ps 158 Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941

Tel: (691)-320-2639


And cc:

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment*:*

can be found at the following website**:** and can also be obtained at the address given below*.*

The Department of Finance and Administration now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, provide emails for at least 2 referees, etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such situation, only the experience and qualifications of individual shall be considered in the selection process. The criteria for selecting the Consultant are:

All CVs of candidates will be scrutinized against selection criteria. The CVs of candidates that meet the selection criteria will then be scored against the Mandatory and Desirable criteria. Mandatory

  • Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical/Industrial engineering, or in Energy, or any other relevant engineering field.
  • At least 10 years of Project Management experience, out of which 5 years as a Project Manager on an energy project(s) acquired either within a project management unit, or an engineering firm, or a construction firm, or a power utility.
  • Demonstrated experience or knowledge on either solar PV systems, power generation, distribution network
  • Experience managing donor-funded projects.
  • Good interpersonal and communication (report writing and English speaking) skills.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment
  • Demonstrated experience in managing energy projects within a consultant firm or an energy construction company in the power sector
  • Experience managing a World Bank-funded project
  • Experience in working in an island nation environment.
  • Willingness to reside in FSM for at least 09 months in a year.


Selection Criteria

Interested applicants are required to clearly highlight how they meet the following selection criteria in both their CVs and cover letters. To facilitate the evaluation of candidates, the length of the CV should NOT exceed 3 pages and the length of the cover letter should NOT exceed 2 pages. The evaluation committee reserves the right to not consider candidates whose CV and cover letter exceed this length requirement. The following selection criteria will be applied:

  • Has managed a project financed by the Word Bank or the Asian Development Bank, or any other multilateral or bilateral development agency (yes / no)
  • Has managed a project in the energy sector (yes / no)
  • Has experience working within either a consultant firm, or an energy/power construction company, or a project implementation agency/office, or a power utility.
  • Number of years of experience in at least one of the following areas: (i) power generation, (ii) transmission or distribution grids, (iii) mini grids, (iv) solar PV systems,
  • Number of years of relevant experience on procurement of goods and/or works
  • Number of years of relevant experience in preparing work plans, overseeing work, and drafting reports
  • Has demonstrated experience working across units or departments and with various stakeholders (yes / no)
  • Has worked in a multicultural team/environment (yes / no)
  • Is proficient with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Powerpoint (yes/no)

The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers Fifth Edition, September 2023 (“the Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0800 to 1700 Mondays to Fridays.

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